Monday, November 23, 2015

Noisy crazy woman

  • stomps around her apartment in the middle of the night
  • every night since the day that we moved to the Marque apartments in Gainesville VA five months ago
  • makes other noise
  • throws things on the bare floors
  • slams cabinet doors
  • opens and closes the sliding door to the balcony every few minutes
  • washes clothes
  • etc.
  • After the first three weeks, when I told her that her all-night noisemaking was keeping us from sleeping at night, she said "we thought that we were being as quiet as possible, but we will try to be better." 
  • That was a lie--it only got worse.

That pretty much sums it up.

Is there an exorcist in the house?

Marque apartments at Heritage Hunt 
Gainesville VA 

property manager: Community Realty Company, Inc. (useless)
owners: Huntgain Marque, LLC (don't care)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sleepless in Gainesville VA

  • Why would someone deliberately stomp around their apartment in the middle of the night?
  • When they know that their neighbors under them are sleeping (or trying to sleep)?
  • When they are perfectly capable of walking softly?
  • Why would someone deliberately be a pain-in-the-ass towards perfect strangers?
I don't know the answers to these questions. All I know is that the day that we moved to the Marque apartments at Heritage Hunt in Gainesville VA that the person in the apartment above us, who doesn't know us, stomped around and made other noise all through the night.

After three weeks of her nonstop stomping and other deliberate noise-making in the middle of the night (dropping heavy things on the bare floors, moving furniture, washing clothes, slamming cabinet doors, opening and closing the sliding door to the balcony every few minutes, etc.), I saw our upstairs neighbor for the first time when I told her that her noise-making was keeping us awake at night. She said, "we thought that we were being as quiet as possible, but we will try to be better." That was a lie--it only got worse.  
  • Why would she lie to me--a new neighbor who she is meeting for the first time?
I don't know the answer to this question either. I can't explain why she stomps around all night deliberately making noise to disturb us, perfect strangers, from the first day that we moved in. I don't know why she continues to do so--every night--after nearly five months. All I know is that she does what she does. (In one hour, from 10 PM to 11 PM, she opened and shut the sliding glass door to her balcony no less than a dozen times, in freezing temperatures, spending less than a minute on her balcony each time. This behavior alone makes me wonder about her mental state.)

Before we moved to the Marque we were told by the manager that the Marque is quiet at night. 

That lie is easier to explain--$. Unfortunately, we have also found out that the Marque's management company, Community Reality Company, Inc. in Greenbelt MD, doesn't enforce its rules and the owners of the Marque apartments, Huntgain Marque, LLC, don't care. 

We still have more than a half-year on the lease. It's a long time to go without sleep.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Imagine that THIS VIDEO LINK is the apartment above you.
Imagine that you can hear every step.
Now imagine that instead of a hedgehog, that it's Bigfoot. 
Now, imagine that it's the middle of the night. ... 

You've got the picture!

Don't rent at the Marque apartments at Heritage Hunt in Gainesville VA. The management company, Community Realty Company, Inc., Greenbelt MD, doesn't enforce the rules
and the owners, Huntgain Marque, LLC, don't care.

Last night the stomper above us began well before 10 PM, went through 10 PM, past 11 PM when we turned in, to past 2 AM, like she's done most nights in the nearly 5 months since we moved to the Marque. In addition to her nonstop stomping, she makes other noise, e.g. drops heavy items on bare floors, moves furniture, washes clothes, slams cabinet doors, opens and closes the sliding door to the balcony every few minutes, etc. Needless to say, her nonstop noise-making makes sleep impossible.  

Is there an exorcist in the house?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

If you like to sleep at night, then don't choose the Marque at Heritage Hunt in Gainesville VA

If you like to sleep at night, 
and, if you're unfortunate enough to rent an apartment under someone who doesn't, 
then you're not going to like the Marque apartments at Heritage Hunt in Gainesville VA.

The wood-framed floors at the Marque are paper-thin when it comes to noise. It was our misfortune to discover on our first day in our new apartment that we have a heavy-footed stomper above us. Unlike most normal people, who kick back after dinner, she stomps nonstop around her apartment, sometimes all night long, moves furniture, drops heavy objects on the bare floors, opens and closes the sliding door to the balcony every few minutes, slams cabinet doors, washes clothes, etc. This has happened nearly every night in the 4.5 months since we moved here--we can count our nights of uninterrupted sleep on one hand. 

After the first three weeks of nonstop noise at night, we told our noisy neighbor that her noise-making was keeping us awake at night--the result of our conversation being that her noise-making only got louder and longer. Welcome to the Marque. 

An article in the Washington Post has other suggestions, one of them being: 
"If you’re not comfortable talking with your neighbors..., take your noise concerns to your landlord or building manager. “If you let them know about your problems, they should be more than happy to investigate them,” says Doug Culkin, president and CEO of the Arlington-based National Apartment Association (4300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400, Arlington; 703-518-6141). “And if there is a legitimate concern, they will go to the neighbors.”

Forget about this suggestion, because the Marque's management company, Community Realty Company, Inc. in Greenbelt MD, doesn't enforce the rules: 

and the owners, Huntgain Marque, LLC, don't care. 

So, if you like to sleep at night, and you're not a betting person (that you'll be fortunate enough to get an apartment under someone who sleeps at night), then, trust me, the Marque apartments at Heritage Hunt in Gainesville VA is not the place for you.

The Marque Apartments at Heritage Hunt 
Gainesville VA
Community Realty Company, Inc. (CRC) 
Huntgain Marque, LLC 

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Being considerate of others is always important. It's especially important when living in close quarters. 

The Marque has wood floors--not concrete. Sound travels through the Marque's wood floors. Considerate people learn to walk softly when they live in an apartment. At night, they walk particularly softly, and avoid dropping or dragging heavy items on the bare floors. They are considerate of those who are sleeping below them.

Considerate people don't leave their dog alone in their apartment to bark nonstop for hours from right behind their front door. They are considerate of those who live around them.

Considerate people don't use the Marque's exercise equipment, and then walk away without wiping it down, or leave stuff (barbells, weights, weight benches, TV remotes, etc.) on the floor, failing to put it back where it belongs. Considerate people realize that others use the equipment, and they realize that some of their neighbors have mobility issues and/or poor eyesight, and can seriously injure themselves on stuff that's left on the floor for others to trip over.

When their dogs defecate, considerate people bag their dog's waste and dispose of it properly. Considerate people don't throw stuff from their balconies. Considerate people don't litter. Considerate people don't slam doors. Considerate people don't make noise in their apartment (TV, music, etc.) that can be heard by those outside their apartment. They realize that their irresponsible behavior affects others. 

antonyms: uncaring, unfeeling, thoughtless, unsympathetic, unfriendly, uncharitable, selfish, disrespectful, scornful, rude, disagreeable, hateful, privileged, spoiled, brat. 

The Marque Apartments at Heritage Hunt
Gainesville VA
Community Realty Company, Inc.
Huntgain Marque LLC

Friday, November 13, 2015


stomp, stomp, stomp.
CRASH!!! (another heavy object crashes to the floor)
stomp, stomp, stomp.
grind, grind, grind. (furniture and/or other heavy objects being dragged over the hard floors)
stomp, stomp, stomp...

all day long.
all through the night.

Is there an exorcist in the house?
you're needed in apartment 441.

The Marque Apartments at Heritage Hunt
Gainesville VA
Community Realty Company, Inc.
Huntgain Marque LLC

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Finish the job

Yesterday the fitness room was in the worst shape since we moved here. I witnessed another man trip and almost fall while trying to navigate around the clutter on the floor. That makes three people just this week who I've seen trip and almost fall while trying to navigate around and/or through the fitness room.

Today the fitness room is in as good a shape as I've seen it for months. Now it's time to finish the job.

More than two months ago I spoke with Yalexa and Aseil on two separate occasions about the dangerous situation in the fitness room. I suggested moving weights, weight benches, barbells, etc. away from the path between the two doors. 

It's  simple. Because invariably it's weight benches, weights and/or barbells blocking the path between the door from the hall and the door to the empty exercise room, move all of the weight paraphernalia (benches, weights, barbells, etc.) to the far (outside window) side of the room. Exercise bikes and treadmills will stay pretty much where they are now. Move the ellipticals in line with the treadmills (3 treadmills + 2 ellipticals). The remaining space at the window end of the room can be used for the rest of the weight paraphernalia and storage (crates, exercise mats, large exercise balls, folding chairs, etc.)

The path between the two doors in the exercise room has a better chance of being clear of tripping hazards with the weight paraphernalia and storage at the far (window) end of the room, away from the path between the two doors.


Inconsiderate residents who don't return exercise equipment to its proper place, the management company and owners prefer to see someone fall and get hurt, and deal with the lawsuit that will follow, than to prevent the accident before it happens.

The Marque at Heritage Hunt 
marque apartments 
Gainesville VA 
Community Realty Co., Inc. 
Huntgain Marque LLC 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

troublemaker in 441

When we moved to the Marque on July 1, 2015, we discovered that the occupant of the apartment above us, #441, stomps around her apartment 24-7. This is bad enough during the day; but, because she stomps around at all hours during the night, drags furniture and/or other items across the hard floors in the entry, kitchen and bathrooms, drops heavy things on the hard floors, runs the clothes washer, opens and closes the sliding door to the balcony every few minutes, etc., in four and a half months we can count the nights that our sleep has not been interrupted by the troublemaker in 441 on one hand.

On July 21, 2015, after a particularly bad night of nonstop stomping and noise-making, I spoke to her about the noise. She said that she was sorry, that her husband has medical issues, and "we thought that we were being as quiet as possible, but we will try to be better." That was a lie. Since July 21 it's only gotten worse, which makes me doubt everything that she told me on July 21. 

The Marque's management publishes this: 

but, the Marque's management is a toothless tiger. Because rules aren't enforced, they're worthless. Both the management company and the owners are unconcerned. There are no "quiet hours" at the Marque; but, there are troublemakers--like the one in 441.

The Marque at Heritage Hunt 
marque apartments 
Gainesville VA 
Community Realty Co., Inc. 
Huntgain Marque LLC 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Inconsiderate people

Inconsiderate people:
  • stomp around at all hours of the night making so much noise that their neighbors can't sleep
  • throw ice cubes, plant clippings, liquid (water?), etc. off their balcony
  • throw trash in the woods of the adjacent property (Conway Robinson State Forest) 

  • don't clean up their dog's waste (bag and dispose properly)
  • leave their dog to bark nonstop for hours at a time from just inside their front door; the loud barking carries way down the hall and into other apartments 

  • don't return equipment in the fitness room to its proper place, leaving it out for others to trip on. This morning (Monday) a resident was routinely setting up for an 11:30 AM exercise class. He struggled as he tried to get through exercise equipment that hadn't been put away, blocking his path to folding chairs in the corner. He nearly fell. I offered to help; but, he politely declined my offer. A few minutes later a man with a walker couldn't get across the room because there wasn't a path wide enough to do so (too much equipment in the room and too much equipment not put away).

Inconsiderate residents and non-existent management and ownership.

The Marque at Heritage Hunt
marque apartments
Gainesville VA
Community Realty Company, Inc.
Huntgain Marque LLC

Friday, November 6, 2015

Please help

We can use some help.

We (my wife and I) live on the third floor of the Marque at Heritage Hunt apartments in Gainesville VA. We love our apartment; but, noise from the apartment above and the apartment across the hall is driving us crazy.

The floors at the Marque are wood, not concrete. Sound travels incredibly well through the floor. The person in the apartment above us is Bigfoot.
She stomps around at all hours of the night. The stomping is often accompanied by hammering, furniture being dragged across hard floors in the entry, kitchen and bathrooms, objects being dropped on the hard floors, running the clothes washer and, in the summer, the sliding glass door to the balcony opening and closing every few minutes. She cranks up around 10 PM every night and sometimes goes all through the night. Needless to say, we can't sleep with all that going on.

The people directly across the hall from us (their front door faces our front door) have a dog.
When they leave their apartment without the dog, the dog stands at their door and barks nonstop until they return--sometimes for hours at a time. (In fairness, the dog in the photo is not the dog across the hall; but, the entry to our apartment and the apartment across the hall are very similar to what's shown. Also, the dog in the photo is positioned exactly how I imagine that the dog across the hall is positioned when it barks--directly at our door, less than 10 ft. away.) 

There's a gap between the bottom of our door and the floor. It's not very big; but, the loud barking from across the hall travels well through that little opening. 

If you have suggestions on how to soundproof either ourselves or our apartment from the noise coming from the apartment above or the apartment across the hall, then we will greatly appreciate them. You can either reply to this blog or use the email address that's provided with the blog. 

Thank you.

The Marque at Heritage Hunt 
the marque apartments 
Gainesville VA 
Community Realty Company, Inc. 
Huntgain Marque LLC 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

24-7 noise

Between nocturnal Bigfoot in the apartment above us and the dog across the hall, we've got noise--24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

The Marque is not the place to be if you like sleeping at night; and, if you don't like listening to dogs barking nonstop for hours at a time.

The Marque at Heritage Hunt 
the marque apartments 
Gainesville VA 
Community Realty Company, Inc. 
Huntgain Marque LLC 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Marque is going to hell in a handbasket--FAST

"Luxury" apartments??? I don't think so.

The Marque apartments at Heritage Hunt in Gainesville VA may have started out as luxury apartments; but, they're going downhill fast. 

Noise, smells, deteriorating community spaces and amenities, owners and management company who are more concerned with getting new customers than satisfying good, longstanding tenants, etc.

It won't be long before existing tenants move elsewhere, replaced by new inconsiderate tenants who don't care about anyone but themselves, and who will make the Marque a place where no one who is looking for a good living environment will want to live, much less those seeking "luxury".


The Marque at Heritage Hunt 
the marque apartments
Gainesville VA
Community Realty Company, Inc.
Huntgain Marque LLC

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

another sleepless night with Bigfoot

4 AM   
another sleepless night with Bigfoot. 
stomping around past midnight. 
stomping around again at 4 AM.
can't sleep.

Running the furnace fan all night doesn't drown out Bigfoot's stomping around.
The Marque's floors are paper-thin when it comes to noise. 

Lack of enforcement makes "quiet hours" a myth.

1. One of the two exercise bikes in the exercise room is broken--again!
2. Can they cram any more stuff in there?

3. Barbells and TV remotes left on the floor in the middle of the room are tripping hazards.

Is anyone "minding the store"?

The Marque at Heritage Hunt 
the marque apartments 
Gainesville VA 
Community Realty Company, Inc. 
Huntgain Marque LLC